Free Piece for Download, Bicycle of the Mind

Now available for free download! In 1990 Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs said that he had read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. Humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing about a third of the way […]

The Battlemage and Waltzing With Dragons are now available from Grand Mesa Music

Score and Audio The Battlemage is a concert band work themed around a mythical warrior of legend who wields both magical spells and swords. The composer incorporates this dichotomy of soldier and scholar throughout the fabric of the music itself. The piece begins with an aggressive battle chant, accented by drums and anvil. Near the middle […]

New Work Coming Soon from Grand Mesa Music Publishers.

A Grade 2.5 work written for middle school band students. The Battlemage is both a soldier and a scholar who wields with swords and spells. This work explores the dichotomy of the Battlemage’s chosen school of fighting through its warrior-like introduction through the more mystical inner section. Score and Audio Audio Only Available soon from […]

A Woodland’s Tale

I’ve been writing a lot of small works for various trades and micro commissions. This is an example of such a work that I eventually rearrange as a solo work. “A Woodland’s Tale” is now available for purchase as a woodwind quartet at